Introduction to VLSI Design

Commonly Used Prefixes for Units in Cadence

Letter Symbol Unit Value
P pento 10e+15
T tera 10e+12
G giga 10e+09
M mega 10e+06
K/k kilo 10e+03
c centi 10e-02
m milli 10e-03
u micro 10e-06
n nano 10e-09
p pico 10e-12
f femto 10e-15
a atto 10e-18

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Flow diagram

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Worcester Polytechnic
Institute Analog/Digital Microelectronics Group

Cadence is a trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 555 River Oaks Parkway, San Jose, CA 95134.
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Ilhan Hatirnaz 10/26/1998